Chinese Translation graphic
Old Men Talk

 Copyright© Mike Terpstra

 Old men talk of their war
Pride and prestige in their tone. 
A tone ignorant of the pains I feel.
Ignorance, narrowness, and blinders
Covering the eyes of men when speaking of war.

 Viet Nam, Viet Nam, Viet Cong.
Still send shivers up my spine 
A tone ignorant of the pains I feel.
Only Wanting to doctor the blighted and poor
Covering the wounds and hurts, the spoils of war.

 Anger, misunderstanding and spittle
Still stain my face drawn long,
A tone ignorant of the pains I feel.
Only to make me an Iron-faced man
Covering the shame of our country.

 Napalming, explosions and clanging 
Are the sounds muffled by blood
A tone ignorant of the pains I feel.
Wanting, demanding, and getting
An iron man too proud to weep.

 Boiling, steaming, and hissing
Are the great black Cobras
A tone ignorant of the pain I feel.
Falling at last to a meltdown 
An iron man soon to rest.

 Old men talk of their war,
Cautious, reluctant and tested.
A tone so true to the pains I feel.
Forgetfulness and misunderstanding
Covering the eyes of men when speaking of war.
Old men talk of their war.


About the author: Mike Terpstra
I am Michael G. Terpstra a sometimes poet. I am a Viet Nam veteran (1969 to 1970). This poem was written for Brooke, my son, as he demonstrated at Mather AFB in Sacramento California (USA). On April 1, 1985, he participated in the Sacramento for Peace rally that demanded the removal of nuclear weaponry. Now I am a grandfather dedicated to finding ways to encourage international peace.


mail to poet: Mike Terpstra(Portland, Oregon, USA)

poet's homepage: Sociocyberforum