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Recommended Text
Theories of Distinction: Redescribing the Descriptions of Modernity
(Cultural Memory in the Present)
by Niklas Luhmann,  (Editor) William Rasch
(Translators) Joseph O'Neil , Schreiber, Kerstin Behnke , Elliott Schreiber


Niklas Luhmann

Bibliography of Books, Articles & Chapters in English

I.  Books:

Trust and Power. 1979.  Winchester: Wiley & Sons. 

The Differentation of Society. 1982. New York: Columbia UP. Religious Dogmatics and the Evolution of Societies. 1984.  New York: Edwin Mellen Press. 
 - - - (Studies in Religion and Society, Vol 9)   Peter Beyer (Translator)    Hardcover ISBN: 0889468664 

A Sociological Theory of Law.  1985.  London: Routledge. 

Love as Passion. 1986.  Cambridge: Polity Press. 
  Translator: Jones, Doris L. // Translator: Gaines, Jeremy; Hardcover; 0674539230 
 -    -    -   -   Translator: Gaines, Jeremy; Luhmann, Nuklas; Softcover; 0804732531

Ecological communication. 1986. Cambridge: Polity Press. 
Translator: Bednarz, John; Hardcover; 0226496511 

Political Theory in the Welfare State,. 1990. Berlin: de Gruyter. 

Essays on Self-Reference , 1990. New York: Columbia U.P. 

Risk : A Sociological Theory (Communication and Social Order) . 1993. Rhodes Barrett (Translator) 
 - - - - Berlin: De Gruyter. Hardcover  ISBN: 0202304434 

Social systems. 1995.  Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. 
*book available: Hardcover;   0804719934 
     -      -     -  - Softcover;      0804726256

Reconstructing Theory : Gadamer, Habermas, Luhmann (Interpretations Series ) 1995.  by David Roberts (Editor) 
                      Melbourne Univ Pr; ISBN: 0522845703 

Observations on Modernity. 1998.  Stanford: Stanford University. 

Problems of Reflection in the System of Education 
by Niklas Luhmann, Karl-Eberhard Schorr, Rebecca A. Neuwirth (Translator) 

Hardcover Vol 3 (August, 2002) 
Berghahn Books; ISBN: 1571817352 

Art As a Social System  (June 2000) 
by Niklas Luhmann, Eva M. Knodt (Translator) 


Theories of Distinction: Redescribing the Descriptions of Modernity. 2002
by Niklas Luhmann,  Edited by William Rasch, Translators: J. O'Neil, E. Schrieber, K. Behnke, andW. Whobrey
240 pp
Stanford Univ. Pr.


II.  Articles or chapters in books 
  1. A General Theory of Organized Social Systems, in M. Sarni Kassem, European Contributions to 
    Organization Theory, Assen 1976, S. 96-113. 
  2. The Future Cannot Begin: Temporal Structures in Modern Society, Social Research 43 (1976), S. 130-52 
  3. Generalized Media and the Problem of Contingency, in: Jan J. Loubser, Rainer C. Baum,  Andrew Effrat, Victor M. Lidz (Editors), Explorations in General Theory in Social Science: Essays in Honor of 
    • The Legal Profession: Comments on the Situation in the Federal Republic of Germany, The Juridical Review 20 (1975), S. 116-, Lawyers in Their Social Setting, Edinburgh 1976, S. 98-114. 
    Talcott Parsons, New York 1976, Bd. II, S. 507-532. 
  4. .. & Benjamin NELSON. "A Conversation on Selected Theoretical Questions: Systems Theory and Comparative Civilizational Sociology."  Graduate Faculty Journal of Sociology  (1976).  1(2): 1-17. 
  5. Comment by Karl Erik Rosengren, Malinowski's Magic.  Current Antheropology 17 (1976), S. 679-680. 
  6. Differentiation of Society, Canadian Journal of Sociology 2 (1977), S. 29-53. 
  7. Temporalization of Complexity, in: Felix Geyer, Johannes van der Zouwen, Sociocybernetics Bd. 2, Leiden 1978, S. 95-111. 
  8. The Actor and the System: The Constraints of Collective Action, Book Review".  Organization Studies 1(2) (1980.): 193-195. 
  9. The Improbability of Communication.  International Social Science Journal 23, 1 (1981), S. 122-132. 
  10. Communication About Law in Interaction Systems.  (1981).  In KNORR-CETINA, Karin and Aaron V. CICOUREL (Eds), Advances in Social Theory and Methodology: Toward an Integration of Micro- and Macro-Sociologies.  Boston, London, Henley: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 234-56. 
  11. The World Society as a Social System, Intemational Joumal of General Systems 8 (1982), S. 131- 138; in: R. Felix Geyer, Johannes van der Zouwen (Editors), Dependence and Inequality: A Systems Approach to the Problems of Mexico and other Developing Countries, Oxford 1982, S. 295-306. 
  12. Territorial Borders as Systems Boundaries, in: Raimondo Strassoldo, Giovanni Delli Zotti, Cooperation and Conflict in Border Areas, Milano 1983, S. 235-244. 
  13. Insistence on Systems Theory: Perspectives from Germany, Social Forces 61 (1983), S. 987-998. 
  14. The Differentiation of Advances in Knowledge.  (1984).   In STEHR, Nico and Volker MEJA (Eds), Society and Knowledge: Contemporary Perspectives on the Sociology of Knowledge.  New Brunswick (USA), London: Transaction Books, pp. 103-48. 
  15. The Work of Art and the Self-Reproduction of Art,  Thesis Eleven 12 (1985), S., 4-27 
  16. Modes of Communication and Society, in: P. DeWilde, C.A. May (Editors), Links for the Future: Science, Systems and Services for Communications: Proceeclings of the International Conference on Communications ICC '84, Amsterdam 1984, Bd. I, S. XXXIV-XXXVn. 
  17. The Self-Description of Society: Crisis Fashion and Sociological Theory, International Journal of Comparative Sociology 25 (1984), S. 59-72. 
  18. Society, Meaning, Religion - Based on Self-Reference, Sociological Analysis 46 (1985), S. 5-20. 
  19. Religion and Ultimate Paradox: A Symposium on Aspects of the Sociology of Niklas Luhmann.  Sociological Analysis. A Journal in the Sociology of Religion  (1985) 46(1): 1-36. 
  20. Complexity and Meaning, in: The Science and Praxis of Complexity, Tokyo (United Nations University) 1985, S. 99-104. 
  21. Some Problems with Reflexive Law.  1985 (1992), In Gunther TEUBNER (Ed.), State, Law, Economy as Autopoietic Systems: regulation and autonomu in a new perspective.  Milano: Giuffre, pp. 389-415. 
  22. The Self-Reproduction of the Law and its Limits, in: Gunther Teubner (Editor) Dilemmas of Law in the: Welfare State, Berlin-New York 1986, S. 111-127. 
  23. The Unity of the Legal System, in: Gunther Teubner (Editor), Autopoietic Law: A New Approach to Law and Society, Berlin (1988), S. 12-35 
  24. Complexity and Meaning, in: The Science and Praxis of Complexity, Tokyo (United Nations University) 1985, S. 99-104. 
  25. The sociological approach of territorial rights and practices. in: European Yearbook in the Sociology of Law 1 (1988), S. 23-42. 
  26. The Autopoiesis of Social Systems, in: Felix Geyer, Johannes van der Zouwen (Editors) Sociocybernetic Paradoxes: Observation, Control and Evolution of Self-Steering Systems, London-Beverly Hills 1986, S. 
  27. The Individuality of the Individual: Historical Meanings and Contemporary Problems, in: Thomas C.  Heller, Morton Sosna, David E. Wellbery (Editors.), Reconstructing Individualism: Autonomy, Individuality, and the Self in Western Thought, Stanford Cal. 1986, S. 313-325. 
  28. The future of the democracy, in: Thesis Eleven 26 (1990), S. 46-53. 
  29. The Theory of Social Systems and lts Epistemology: Reply to Danilo Zolo's Critical Comments, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 16 (1986), S. 129-134. 
  30. The medium of the art.  in: Thesis Eleven 18 (1987), S. 103-113. 
  31. What is communication?  in: Communication Theory 2 (1992), S. 251-259. 
  32. The Evolutionary Differentiation between Society and Interaction, in: Jeffrey C. Alexander et al. (Editors), The Micro-Macro Link, Berkeley (1987), S. 112-131. 
  33. Modern systems theory and the theory of society.  In V. Meja, D. Misgeld, & N. Stehr. (1987) in Modern German Sociology.  New York: Columbia University Press. 
  34. The Morality of Risk and the Risk of Morality, International Review of Sociology No. 3 (1987), S. 87-101. 
  35. Tautology and paradox in the self descriptions of the modern society.  in: Sociological Theory 6 (1988), S. 21-37. 
  36. Closure and Openness: On Reality in the World of Law, in: Gunther Teubner (Editor), Autopoietic Law: A New Approach to Law and Society, Berlin 1988, S. 335-348. 
  37. Familiarity, Confidence, Trust: Problems and Alternatives, in: Diego Gambetta (Hrsg.), Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Relations, Oxford 1988, S. 94-107. 
  38. The Third Question: The Creative Use of Paradoxes in Law and Legal History, Journal of Law and Society 15 (1988), S. 153-165. 
  39. Observing and Describing Complexity, in: Karl Vak (Editor), Complexities of the Human Environment: A Cultural and Technological Perspective, Wien 1988, S. 251-255. 
  40. Law as a Social System, Northwestern University Law Review 83 (1988/89), S. 136-150. 
  41. KRULL, M., LUHMANN, N. and H. MATURANA.  (1989).  "Basic Concepts of the Theory of Autopoietic Systems."  Systemic Studies.  Systemic therapy : A European Perspective 1: 79-104. 
  42. The Paradox of System Differentiation and the Evolution of Society, in: Jeffrey C. Alexander, Paul Colomy (Hrsg.), Differentiation Theory and Social Change: Comparative and Historical Perspectives, New York, Columbia UP (1990), S. 409-440. 
  43. General Theory and American Sociology, in: Herbert J. Gans (Editor), Sociology in America, Newbury Park Cal. (1990), S. 253-264. 
  44. The Cognitive Program of Constructivism and a Reality that Remains Unknown, in: Wolfgang Krohn et al. (Editors), Self-organization: Portrait of a Scientific Revolution, Dordrecht (Klüwer) (1990), S. 64-85. 
  45. Sthenography.   Stanford Literature Review 7. (1990) (1-2): 133-139. 
  46. Technology, environment and social risk: a systems perspective, Industrial Crisis Quarterly 4 (1990), S. 223-231. 
  47. Paradigm Lost: Thesis Eleven, (1991), S. 82-94. 
  48. The Concept of Society, Thesis Eleven 31 (1992), S. 67-80. 
  49. Operational Closure and Structural Coupling: The Differentiation of the Legal System, Cardozo Law Review 13 (1992), S. 1419-1441. 
  50. The Form of Writing, Stanford Literature Review 9,1 (1992), S. 25-42. 
  51. The Direction of Evolution, in: Hans Haferkamp, Neil J. Smelser (Editors), Social Change and Modernity, Berkeley Cal. (1992), S. 279-293. 
  52. Societal Complexity, in: György Szell (Editor), Concise Encyclopedia of Participation and Co-management, Berlin (1992), S. 793-806. 
  53. The Code of the Moral, Cardozo Law Review 14 (1993), S. 995-1009. 
  54. Observing Re-entries, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 16 (1993), S. 485-498. 
  55. European Rationality, in: Gillian Robinson, John Rundell (Editors), Rethinking Imagination, London 1993, S. 65-83. 
  56. Ecological Communication: Coping with the unknown, System Practice 6 (1993), S. 527-539. in: Joanna Tsivocou (Editor), A Challenge for Systems Thinking: The Aegean Seminar Athen 1993, S. 19-30. 
  57. Deconstruction as Second-Order-Observing, New Literary History 24 (1993), S. 763-782. 
  58. What is the case, that puts us behind? in: Sociological Theory 12 (1994), S. 126-152. 
  59. The honesty of the politicians and the higher amorality of the policy.  in: Theory, Culture of Society 11 (1994), S. 25-36 
  60. How can the mind participate in communication?  (1994), In H.U. Gumbrecht, & K.L. Pfeiffer, Materialities of Communication. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 
  61. Speaking and Silence. in: New German Critique 61 (1994), S. 25-37. 
  62. The Modernity of Science. in: New German Critique 61 (1994), S. 9-23 
  63. Why does society Describe Itself as Postmodern?, (1995). Cultural Critique 30. Pp. 171-186. 
  64. Legal Argumentation: An Analysis of its Form, Modern Law Review 58, (1995), pp. 285-298. 
  65. Why Systems Theory?  Cybernetics and Human Knowing. (1995), 3(2): 3-10. 
  66. The Two Sociologies and the Theory of Society.  Thesis Eleven . (1995), (43): 28-47. 
  67. The Paradoxy of Observing Systems, (1995). Cultural Critique 31. Pp. 37-55. 
  68. On the Scientific Context of the Concept of Communication.  Social Science Information. (1996),  35(2): 257-267. 
  69. A Redescription of "Romantic Art.  Modern Language Notes. (1996), 111(3): 506-522. 
  70. Complexity, Structural Contingencies and Value Conflicts. (1996),  In HEELAS, Paul, LASH, Scott and Paul MORRIS (Eds.), Detraditionalization.  Critical Reflections on Authority and Identity.  Cambridge (MASS): Blackwell, pp. 59-71. 
  71. The Sociology of the Moral and Ethics.  International Sociology . (1996) 11(1): 27-36. 
  72. The Control of Intransparency.  Systems Research and Behavioral Science . (1997) 14(2): 359-371. 
  73. The Representation of Society Within Society.  Current Sociology. (1997), 35(2): 101-108. 
  74. Globalization or World Society: How to Conceive of Modern Society?"  International Review of Sociology. (1997)  7(1): 67-79. 
  75. Limits of Steering.  Theory, Culture & Society  (1997) ,14(1) : 41-57. 

Thanks to Martin Rost for his resources at confirmed titles and dates of Articles: 
Martin Rost / Germany, Kiel / 
Niklas Luhmann Bibliography ("Schriftenverzeichnis") Version: 1996.01 

Also, Thank You Nelly Savard for your contributions to this list. 

Latest Update: August 9, 2002  Webmaster: Mike Terpstra email