Academic Work done on Niklas Luhmann

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  1. Antrim, A. (1999). (Sociology Thesis) The existential concept in Niklas Luhmann's social systems sheory: With continual reference to Soren Kierkegaard. Warrensburg, MO: Central Missouri State University. contact author at Copy of Thesis at:
  2. Fork, Susanna (Sociology dissertation) Uppsala University, Sweden 1996.The Positions Of The Self: Suffering and Conflict as Systems of Thought. Link to English Description with link to full English Abstract
  3. Heil,Ragnar (1999). Systemic Education In The Light Of Its Idea-History . Think Tank Corporate Consulting,            Muenchen,  Germany  Go to following URL for more information.
  4. Holmström, Susanne (Public Relations dissertation) University of Roskilde, Denmark 1996. An Intersubjective And A Social Systemic Public Relations Paradigm: Publc Relations Interpreted From Systems Theory (Niklas Luhmann) In Opposition To The Critical Tradition (Jürgen Habermas). Link to English Summary and access to downloadable texts
  5. Jokisch, Rodrigo. (2001) Problems with Theory-Construction of Grand Theories: Niklas Luhmann's  Theory of Social Systems, as an Example.

  6. An essay in English that deals with problems of  Theory-Construction of Grand Theories, specially with those connected with the proposal made by Niklas Luhmann.
  7. Jokisch, Rodrigo. (2001).  How is Gender possible? Observing Sexuality and Gender (In German: Wie ist Geschlecht möglich? Zur Beobachtung von 'Sexualität' und 'Geschlecht')  This is a large work written in German entailing also critical comments to an essay written by Luhmann with the German title: 'Maenner, Frauen and George Spencer Brown'
  8. Jönhill,Jan Inge. (Sociology dissertation) Lund University, Sweden 1997. Society as System and its Ecological Environment. A Study in the Sociological Systems Theory of Niklas Luhmann. Link to English description with a link to Full English Abstract
  9. Kirsch, Jochen H.Ch. (Political Science masters thesis) Virginia Tech, Virginia US. 1998. The Military of Guatemala and Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Autopoietic Social System.  Link to Abbreviated Abstract with full text avail in PDF
  10. Landgraf, Edgar.(German Studies dissertation) The John Hopkins University,  1998.  Der Geist der Begeisterung (concept of inspiration): Kommunikationsparadoxien und ihre Entfaltung in Ästhetik und Poetik des späten 18.  Jahrhunderts und bei Joseph von Eichendorff.    English Abstract and Link to Homepage
  11. Ørstavik, Iver (in progress, dissertation)  Morality on modern institutions. Brief Interest Summary (English )
  12. Rabult, Hugues.(Luhmann's analysis of theory of Law) 2001.  "La nature et la fonction de la théorie du droit dans la sociologie de Niklas Luhmann: vers une rénovation de l'épistémologie du droit?" Translation: Nature and function of Theory of Law in Luhmann's Sociology: Toward a new Epistemology of Law? Review: Droits. Revue française de théorie, de philosophie et de culture juridique 2001/33, pp.191-203. Click here to e-mail author        ENGLISH ABSTRACT
  13. Tække, Jesper, (candidatus magisterii dissertation) University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1999. Human, Space and Society: Cyberspace as a parallel space for social processes   (LINK TO ENGLISH SUMMARY)   
  14. Tangen, Jan Ove: "The Sport of The Society: A Sociological Analysis of Sport as a Social System, its Evolution and Function from Archaic to Modern Times" [in Norwegian], (Sociological Dissertation), University of Oslo, Norway 1997. Author's e-mail:
  15. Terpstra, Michael G. (Human and Organizational Systems dissertation) Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, California. 1997.  Niklas Luhmann: A theoretical illustration of his definition of differentiation. Link to abstract and full document   Full Text
updated: April 5, 2005