Return To America on Luhmann



Photo of Niklas Luhmann Niklas Luhmann 1927 - 1998

tran. by M.Terpstra

1927 Niklas Luhmann born on 8 December as a son of an owner of a brewery in Lueneburg.
1944 At the age of 15 years of age served in German Air Force as an aid.
1945 At 17 years of age he is captured by American troops. 
1946-49 Study of the jurisprudence in Freiburg and legal internship.
1952-53 Luhmann begins with the structure of his famous Zettelkaesten.
1954 Civil servant at the high administrative court in Lueneburg.
1955-62 Federal state parliament adviser in the ministry for education and culture, Lower Saxony, later he became a upper government adviser.
1960  Marriage to Ursula von Walter.
1960-61 Given time off to study at Harvard University with Talcott Parsons.
1962-65 Adviser at the research institute of the university of administrative sciences in Speyer.
1964 Publication of his first book Functions and Consequences of Formal Organization.
1965 Luhmann is appointed by Helmut Schelsky as a department manager to the social research center Dortmund.
1966 The book of 1964, tapes, and transcripts in public administration are accepted as thesis and he is granted a academic position at the University of Cathedral under Helmut Schelsky and Dieter Claessens.
1967 Under the title "Solutions to the Sociological Crisis" holds his first lecture series at Cathedrals.
1968 Luhmann becomes a professor of sociology at the again-created reform University of Bielefeld. Habermas and Luhmann publish together their controversy theory covering the society or social technology - what is the mechanism that maintains a system?
1971 Death of his Mrs. Ursula. Since then he lives with his three children (geb. 1961, 1963 and 1963) in his house in Oerlinghausen.
1984 Luhmanns seminal work, Social Systems appears.
1986 The book, Ecological Communication documents Luhmann's application to current problems of the real world.
1988 Hegel prize of the city Stuttgart.
1998 Untimely death due to cancer. November 6th