Remembering Niklas Luhmann

Please add your comments about how Niklas Luhmann has influenced your life.


July 5, 2001

March 27,2001

November 3, 2000

August 31, 2000

July 7, 2000

June 28, 2000

October 21, 1999

September 11, 1999

June 11, 1999

May 19, 1999

April 9, 1999

March 29, 1999

February 28, 1999

February 9, 1999

January 30, 1999

December 03, 1998

November 25, 1998

November 19, 1998


November 15, 1998

November 14, 1998

November 11, 1998

I received word today that Niklas Luhmann died on Friday, Nov. 6, 1998.  Although I have never met him in person, I feel that I have lost a friend.  I corresponded with Luhmann while working on my Fielding dissertation, Niklas Luhmann: A theoretical illustration of his definition of differentiation.  Luhmann is very well know in Europe and rivals the stature of Habermas.  He is know for his second-order cybernetic social systems theory.

Personal Responses I have received from friends::

1.  I am so sorry. What a loss. At least you had contact with him before he died. We should name a scholarship after him or dedicate your next book to him. Or something. What a great man!   Marlene From:  (Sacramento) 
2.  that seems like a major, major loss, to you, to all of us, to the world.  thank you so much for telling me.  I am saddened by the loss of a major thinker and creative human being and friend of yours.  - jeremy From:  (New York) 
3.   I know what you are feeling, Mike.  Death is always tough to handle.  But through your work and dedication,  Luhmann's efforts will live on and will be passed on to others who will not have "known" him as you have. 

      You still have the gift of your interactions and correspondence; that didn't die.  Ward  From: (Minnesota) 
4.  I suppose you have heard about the death of Niklas Luhmann by now. He died after a long sickness on last Friday. It´s a sad moment.  ...  I don´t care what his critics say, Luhmann´s theory works !   Frederick From:  (Germany) 
5.  Michael, I am sorry to hear this news. I've read enough of Luhmann's works to begin to feel like I new him and would have enjoyed talking with him.       Pat and Allen From: 
6.  Sorry for your loss.  When there's one of a kind in such a field as yours, it's like loosing a Platonic professor! Merrill From: (California).


Created on 11/12/98
Revised September 14, 2008  Webmaster