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November 14, 1998
November 11, 1998
I received word today that Niklas Luhmann died on Friday, Nov. 6, 1998. Although I have never met him in person, I feel that I have lost a friend. I corresponded with Luhmann while working on my Fielding dissertation, Niklas Luhmann: A theoretical illustration of his definition of differentiation. Luhmann is very well know in Europe and rivals the stature of Habermas. He is know for his second-order cybernetic social systems theory.
1. I am so sorry. What a loss. At least you had contact with him before he died. We should name a scholarship after him or dedicate your next book to him. Or something. What a great man! Marlene From: (Sacramento) You still have the gift of your interactions and correspondence; that didn't die. Ward From: (Minnesota) |
Created on 11/12/98
Revised September 14, 2008 Webmaster