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Return to America on Luhmann,  Bibliography Page

        Geyer, R.F. (1980).  Alienation theories: A general systems
             approach. New York: Pergamon Press.

        Knodt, E. (1994, Winter).  Toward a non-foundationalist epistemology:
             The Habermas/Luhmann controversy revisited.  New German
             Critique,  61.

        Knodt, E. (1995).  Foreward. In N. Luhmann   Social systems.
             (J. Bednarz, Jr., & D. Baecker, Trans.). Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.

        Luhmann, N. (1979).  Trust and power.  New York: John Wiley & Sons.

        Luhmann, N. (1982).  Differentiation of society.  (S. Holmes, &
             C. Larmore, Trans.).  New York: Columbia University Press.

        Luhmann, N. (1986a).  Ecological communication. (J. Bednarz,
             Jr., Trans.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

       Luhmann, N.  (1986b).  The autopoiesis of social systems.  In
             F. Geyer.  Sociocybernetic paradoxes: Observation,
             control and evolution of self-steering systems.
             Beverly Hills: Sage.

       Luhmann, N.  (1986c).  Love as passion: The codification of
             intimacy.  (J. Gaines, & D.L. Jones, Trans.). Cambridge:
             Harvard University Press.

       Luhmann, N. (1986d).  The theory of social systems and its
             epistemology: Reply to Danilo Zolo's critical comments.
             Philosophy of Social Sciences,16, (1):129-134.

       Luhmann, N. (1987).  Modern systems theory and the theory of
             society.  In V. Meja, D. Misgeld, & N. Stehr. 1987.
             Modern German Sociology.  New York: Columbia University Press.

      Luhmann, N. (1990a).  Essays on self reference.   New York:
             Columbia University Press.

     Luhmann, N. (1990b).  The paradox of system differentiation
             and the evolution of society. In J.C. Alexander, & P.
             Colomy (Eds.)  Differentiation theory and social
             change: Comparative and historical perspectives. New
             York: Columbia University Press.

    Luhmann, N. (1991).  Instead of a preface to the English
             edition: On the concepts "subject" and "action." In
             N. Luhmann, (1995),  Social systems. (J. Bednarz, Jr.,
             & D. Baecker, Trans.).  Stanford: Stanford University Press.
             (Original work published 1984)

     Luhmann, N. (1993).  Deconstruction as second-order observing.
             New Literary History, 24, (4):763-782.

     Luhmann, N. (1994a Winter),  Speaking and silence.  New German
             Critique,  61.

      Luhmann, N. (1994b).  How can the mind participate in
             communication?  In H.U. Gumbrecht, & K.L. Pfeiffer,
             Materialities of Communication. Stanford:
             Stanford University Press.

     Luhmann, N. (1995).  Social systems. (J. Bednarz, Jr.,
             & D. Baecker, Trans.).  Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
             (Original work published 1984).

     Maturana, H.R. (1981).  Autopoiesis. In M. Zeleny (Ed.).
             Autopoiesis: A theory of living organization.  New
             York: North Holland.

     Meja, V., Misgeld, D., & Stehr, N.  (1987).  Modern German Sociology.
             New York: Columbia University Press.

* These references are from my Dissertation: Niklas Luhmann: A theoretical illustration of his definition of differentiation.
   by Michael G. Terpstra, Ph.D. 1997